SWC Leadership + Departments

The staff and leadership here at Shawnee Worship Center is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single visitor + church member. We could not do what we do without the leadership mentioned here. We appreciate and love their ministries. 

  • Pastor Casey + Shellan Pollard

    Lead Pastor + Lead Administrator

    Hailing from Bloomington, Illinois, Pastor + Sis. Pollard came to Vienna with a vision to reach the Johnson County area. Since being voted in as Pastors in January 2019, they have faithfully maintained their calling and commitment to this great community.

  • Lex + Barbara Hembree

    Assistant Pastor

    After joining SWC in 2020, Bro. Lex Hembree was inducted into the role of Assistant Pastor in 2023. The Hembrees show a great love for Vienna and are a wonderful resource to our community and our church.

  • Chad + Jessica Morgan

    Children's Ministry Directors

    The Lord said let all the little children come to Him. We believe that all children have a calling and place in the Kingdom. We desire to plant them solidly in the truth to set a foundation to keep them there through their years. 

  • Cory + Laci Elledge

    Youth Ministry Pastors + Directors

    We believe that our goal is to help students to be rooted in their faith by being real before God and each other. 


    Music Ministry Director + Administrative Assistant

    We believe that music is the vehicle used to bridge the gap between God and Man. It is my joy and passion! 

  • John + Tonya Matheny

    Welcome Center + Usher Directors
    Connecting with visitors, newcomers and the SWC family at our Welcome Center. You are welcome at SWC!
  • Jacob + MAchaela Hembree

    Web + Photo/Video Coordinators

    Primarily focused on photography + videography, this department aims to document church and church-related community events to use for promotions, internal use and social media. 

  • Shellan Pollard

    Ladies Ministry Director

    We strive to  grown our ladies community here at SWC and let our Godly women of today strengthen each other as our sisters in Christ and uphold one another with prayer and encouragement.

  • kendall sargeant

    Mens Ministry Director

    The men of SWC have decided to draw closer to God and one another and we will be actively engaging together more and fellowshipping as much as possible through this new year.

  • Steven Sargeant

    Sound + Media Director

    Providing our community and beyond with web access to our services via livestream and creating an atmosphere for our members in-person through sound and media management.